Wednesday, December 14, 2011


For the first post about endangered animals, this will be about wolves. People used find wolves harmful (which they usually aren't) and decided that its okay to shoot them, and that is one of the reasons why the wolf population is getting smaller, and smaller, and smaller. Another one of the reasons why wolves are endangered is because with more humans coming, wolves are losing their habitat (and they need a lot of space) and even their lives.Now here is another reason why wolves are endangered (and have been for a while) is that there used to be something called "bounty hunting", when people would get money for bringing in a dead wolf. The last reason is that some people heard rumors about wolves (and those are never good) and the wolves payed the price, all because of a stupid rumor, that wasn't even true!
So, spread the word tell everyone hunting is wrong, especially hunting innocent, endangered animals.

( Source: )


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